iTrack Wildlife App
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Article Accepted by the Journal of Wildlife Management

Published on July 25, 2008 under Articles

Article Accepted to JWM

The Journal of Wildlife Management, one of the most well known and respected academic wildlife journals, recently accepted a publication based on my Masters Thesis.  The article is titled, “Determining Observer Reliability in Counts of River Otter Tracks” by Jonah Evans, Ciel Evans, Jane Packard, Gary Calkins, and Mark Elbroch.  This article will be the first peer-reviewed work on CyberTracker’s Tracker Evaluation and demonstrates the importance of the testing tracking skills of biologists.  It is still in the final stages of editing but should be in print soon.  This article was a major effort and I thank all the co-authors and everyone else who gave feedback and encouragement.  It likely would not have made it to this point without their help.

Friday, July 25, 2008


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