
South America Track Photos Page Added

Published on June 28, 2008 under News
South America Track Photos Page Added
South American Animal Track Page Added From January to March 2008, we traveled through Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.  Most of these track photos are from the Los Amigos research station in eastern Peru and the Pantanal region of Brazil. …
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Colorado Lynx Project Pics

Published on June 6, 2008 under News
Colorado Lynx Project Pics
Colorado Lynx Project Pics We started working for the Colorado Division of Wildlife on a lynx reproduction study on May 15th, 2008.  The job primarily consists of radio tracking female lynx through the Rocky Mountains, camping every night, and hoping…
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Colorado Lynx Project

Published on April 30, 2008 under News
Colorado Lynx Project
Final Colorado Lynx Project Pics We just finished working for the Colorado Division of Wildlife on a lynx reproduction study on May 15th, 2008.  The job primarily consisted of radio tracking female lynx through the Rocky Mountains, camping every night,…
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Colorado Lynx Project

Published on April 30, 2008 under News
Colorado Lynx Project
We recently accepted a job in Colorado working on a lynx project.  Our duties will include radio telemetry, determining female denning sites, and monitoring dens.  It will be nice to escape the Texas heat for part of the summer.  We…
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North Texas Tracker Certification 04/17/2008

Published on April 17, 2008 under Certifications
North Texas Tracker Certification 04/17/2008
Texas Parks and Wildlife hosted a Tracker Certification for their wildlife biologists and technicians at the Matador Wildlife Management Area. In addition to bobcat, coyote, striped skunk, and several other mammals, we encountered an amazing number of bird tracks including:…
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North Texas Tracker Certification 04/14/2008

Published on April 14, 2008 under Certifications
North Texas Tracker Certification 04/14/2008
Texas Parks and Wildlife hosted a Tracker Certification for their wildlife biologists and technicians at the Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area. We encountered tracks of porcupine, beaver, bobcat, and many more species. Thanks to Casey McFarland for co-evaluating and Ciel Evans…
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