We just returned from a 9-week trip to Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. While there, in addition to seeing some of the amazing sights, we worked on a Jaguar project in the Pantinal region of Brazil and a Short-eared Dog project in the Peruvian Amazon. While in Peru we worked with Renata Pitman on creating a website of Neotropical Animal Tracks. Click below for our blog.
We recently accepted a job in Colorado working on a lynx project. Our duties will include radio telemetry, determining female denning sites, and monitoring dens. …
Article Published in JWM Our journal article entitled: “Determining Observer Reliability in Counts of River Otter Tracks” has just been published in the Journal of…
Wildlife Diversity Position On August 31, I began work for Texas Parks and Wildlife as the new Wildlife Diversity Biologist for the Trans Pecos region…