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Ventura Tracker Certification 11/19/2017

Published on November 20, 2017 under Certifications

The Channel Islands Tracking Team hosted a Track and Sign Certification in Ventura, California on November 18–19, 2017.

We saw the tracks of 32 species, including 17 mammals, 8 birds, 4 herps, 2 invertebrates, and marks of a branch moving in the wind. We spent the first day at a spot along the Santa Clara River. Despite some high winds we saw some great tracks including bobcat tracks, striped skunk tracks, goat tracks, and sign of cottontail feeding on roots.

We spent the second day under a bridge in Ventura where we saw and black rat, snowy egret, huge bullfrog tracks, and much more.

Thanks to all who attended, we saw some amazing sign and learned a lot. A big thanks to Wyatt Harris for organizing this certification and to Jerry Maserjian for helping out. This was a really sharp bunch of trackers and it’s exciting to see how much they have improved.

I’d also like to recognize Erica Harris who earned a 98.4% on her first ever track and sign certification.

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